Chuuk State Postpone Secession Vote – Video

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The controversial vote for Chuuk’s secession from the Federated States of Micronesia has been postponed.

Originally planned to be included within the ballot for the state’s mid-term elections on March 3, unhealthy 2015, issues regarding printing reportedly prohibited the vote from taking place.

According to Chuuk Governor Johnson Elimo’s February 23, 2015 executive order, “the Election Commission has failed to print the plebiscite ballot in the manner and quantity provided by law so as to satisfy the established timeline of the mid-term election process”.

In 2012, the Chuuk State Political Status Commission was created by law to assess different political statuses including becoming a U.S. state or territory, joining in a commonwealth with other nations, continuing the status quo or independence from FSM.

According to the Commission’s final report to the legislation in December 2014, “options other than independence were considered impractical, unrealistic or impossible.”

In recommending independence or secession, the Commission expressed “dislike” over alleged treatment received from the national government under the Constitution and the Compact of Free Association.

The Commission further claims that Chuuk’s economic and social experience under FSM’s political arrangement has been less than successful.

A movement online to keep FSM united has gained more than 1,400 signatures. Led by a Chuukese national residing in Hawaii, the movement is calling for Chuukese to vote no for Chuuk independence.